I cannot believe that I allowed for 4 months to go by before even sitting down and truly taking the time to write in this darn blog. Didn't I tell myself that the main reason for the blog was so that I could maintain steady up to date pictures of the kids, allow for myself to have "blog book" yearly to be able to look back on, and to a have an "outlet" to release some of my not so hidden feeling....
Okay, okay--I am not going to beat mysel fup for it. I am not going to even try to catch up on the last 4 months...I have to focus on the here and now. So I will just recap the month of June with maybe a few tidbits for the prior 3...hahaha!
March, April, and May kept the entire family busy with dance competitions for Madison, Myles 4th birthday( no party..we kept it simple this time around) , Mayci's many milestones of incorporating new words into her vocabulary, gaining some more teeth, and looking forward to her second birthday party.
Competition for Madison was extra exciting this year for her. She was not only competing in groups but had a lyrical solo number as well. She did quite well and managed to get into the top overalls for 2 out of 3 competitions and we are so proud of her.
Myles turned 4 on April 27th and is such a big boy. Damian and I didn't host a party for him, finances and time were jut not on our side at this point, but Ted and Abby had a small gathering at their home for him. Such a nice time to be together with friends and family for happy occasions
Mayci has just been growing, learning, and exploring overs these past 3 months. She speaks more and more each day and has us laughing quite a bit with her many facial expressions and silly ways. She will be having a birthday party to celebrate her 2nd birthday at the end of June and I don't think she even realizes...even though I have been trying to teach her to show 2 fingers and tell people how old she is.
June always seems like such a short and busy month for this family, Damian celebrated his 35th birthday, Madison celebrated her 10th. Can't believe that I am even old enough to have a ten year old! School for Madison didn't even get out until the 24th, thanks to all of the snow days in the earlier months of winter. Madison and Myles had their recital and oh goodness...I was so nervous about Myles but he did much better than I though. I signed up for an adults hip hop class this year and we also danced in the recital. Not my finest moment but I enjoyed myself all the same.
As we enter into July, we have a lot of things to look forward to. Myles is playing soccer once a
week and is really enjoying it. They missed one week due to his coach being ill but he has asked ,e several times when he is going back. Mayci is turning 2 on the 27th of this month and she will be having a Dora themed birthday party (ummmmmm--- I should probably start planning that and send out my invitations).
Madison starts dance back up after 3 weeks off.......that's bittersweet though- I
love to see her dance and know how much she enjoys it, but I would be lying if I said I didn't really enjoy not having to bring her back and forth. Madison will also be attending the Tremaine dance workshop thing in NYC that she attended last year toward the end of the month. Seems like the busyness never stops..
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