Monday, February 25, 2013


Took this past Friday off to enjoy at least one day home with the kids during Madison's week long break(not to mention the fact that the darn family was suffering from stomach bugs, whooping coughs, and fevers).

Since Myles woke up still very feverish and having trouble catching his breath during his coughing fits, I decided to keep everyone hone to relax after Damian left for work.  My original plan had been to bring the kids to the science center with Lisa, so she came over and hung out with us instead.

In the midst of our boredom we attempted to make our own rendition of the Harlem Shake videos that have been floating around YouTube.  We cut the video too short, so its only about 30 seconds but  I guarantee it will have you giggling quite a bit.....

Please excuse the messiness in the background and Mayci's pee covered pants...I promise I changed them as soon as I stopped recording......

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE IT!!! That is hilarious!!! I also wanted to thank you so much for the clothes. They came just in time. Renna was moving into 12months but I didn't want to buy any more winter stuff. Anyway, it's all PERFECT and such a blessing!!!
