Monday, April 11, 2016

Easter Weekend - March 25-27

Happy Late Easter!!

If you celebrate Easter, I hope that you had a wonderful holiday!  If you don't celebrate, I hope that your weekend was equally as wonderful. 

We had a nice weekend with quality time with the kids and some cousins filled with egg decorating, egg hunts, and good food.  The kids seemed to have a fantastic weekend and Madison even made a YouTube video about what the kids got in their Easter Baskets at home.  I posted it on Instagram and FB, but I will be sure to include it here for you to enjoy.  My kids are truly the best- even when they are annoying the hell out of me.

Egg decorating took place on Saturday at Grandma Virginia's house this year.  Last year we did it over there also.  Not many tears this year, it's not real Easter egg decorating unless at least 1 person cries.  Hahaha-- at least that's the case in our family.  The decorating part went over without too much drama.  Unfortunately the day sort of ended abruptly with some fighting amongst siblings ( and this time the kids were not involved--). I will have to admit, that this was certainly not my finest moment- but I will spare you all of the details.  If you know any of my kids and you are close to them, then chances are you will hear about or already have.  The younger 2 are still learning to keep certain "family stories" to themselves, hee hee.  We did do a live video on FB for the first 11 minutes of egg decorating.  The eggs came out nicely and Jaida (Amanda's daughter) also decorated her hands quite nicely as well, even though Amanda didn't think so. Damian always misses out because of gigs and working at the store, but I try to take plenty of pictures and the kids always keep him up to date.

Easter Sunday started off pretty late for my kids. They didn't wake up until closer to 9a.  They seemed to enjoy their baskets and then just hung out around the house until we headed over to Mama and PopUp's house mid afternoon. 

We spent the rest of the day over there with Mama, PopUp, Veronica (mama's friend from church), Dalila, Iliana, Zaccai, Julie, Natalia, Abigail, Angelina, and Azarah.  As always, Madison, Myles, and Mayci had to search for their Easter baskets in the house.  And then the kids separated for a "treasure" Easter egg hunt, followed by just a normal Easter Egg Hunt.  This year, Zaccai was in charge of the older kids treasure hunt.  The older group this year was Madison, Angelina, Myles and Azarah.  They started off when one a few clues to get them around the yard and then in typical Zaccai style they ended up all over the place, having to send pictures back and forth to Zaccai to have to get the next clue.  They had a blast and both the older group and younger groups competed their missions!!  The kids, except for Madison, continued with the "normal" egg hunt - but with the amount of eggs hidden, I am sure they will be finding more for years to come.

Here is a little bit of the back and forth between Madison and her group and Zaccai  via texts during their treasure hunt:

WOOOOOHOOOO!!!  We found the egg!!!  -- I guess Mayci wanted in on the action too! :)

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