So the special weekend finally arrived!! Time to celebrate Luques and Karina as they exchanged vows and came together as one!
Friday was quite the busy day. Madison and Myles headed off to school like normal, and I popped into work for a little while to take care of some loose ends before the long holiday weekend. Damian had errands to run after Myles got on the school bus. Damian and I had discussed early on that it may be best to keep Mayci home while we attended the wedding. Some people were not so keen to the idea, but we figured the less distractions the better, so Lisa was kind enough to volunteer to keep mayci while we were gone. She came early in the day so her and Mayci could enjoy some time at the Science Center.
Here is a pic of Mayci that Lisa sent me... I have more form the science center, but I think they are on FB page :) |
We picked the kids up around lunchtime and then hit the road to Walkill, New York. .well really Middletown NY since that's where the hotel we were staying at was. Upon checking in, we were given a bag that had some special treats and bags for Madison and Myles and even a bag with special treats and nail polish for myself-- how thoughtful!! We met up with immediate family, friends that were in the bridal party, and the bride and groom. We headed off to Lippincott Manor so those who were part of the wedding could do a couple of walk throughs for the ceremony. Madison and Davian (Justine's 12 year old son) caught up and hung out while the little ones rehearsed. So weird, how the two of them rarely see each other but they catch up and have the best time together! They seem to click and I definitely hope to get them together more often...everyone needs a small group of close family and friends, no matter how far away they are! Myles fit right in with Dej, Justine's daughter, and Anaya, Karina's niece. This ring bearer and the flower girls played and played until it was time to rehearse and then they would play and play some more! Myles has even asked for them several times since we have left. . And I have heard from Justine, that miss Dej may have said a thing or two about Myles. Heehee!
My all time FAVORITE picture of Madison and Davian-- I can only imagine what they were talking about-- they seemed to have a blast together |
This would be the board that you would see as soon as you were entering the venue |
Dej, Myles, and Alana |
Madison keeping herself busy doing flips |
This is pretty much what the 3 of them did ALL weekend |
Myles and Madison occupying themselves on our way to NY-- this only lasted for about 10 minutes.. then they either fought or slept |
Our goody bags :) |
We all headed to dinner at a nice restaurant called Cosimos and were treated to dinner. Everyone caught up, laughed, joked around, and all around seemed to have a good time with some great food! I didnt do much socializing as I actually spent my time talking with Myles, Madison, and Davian..but it seemed like everyone was enjoying their time together. We were even surprised by John (Ted's brother in law) and his grandson Niko! My how Niko has grown since we saw him last, which had unfortunately been a couple years ago when his grandmother (Ted's sister) had passed away. But he sat down and caught right up with the kids playing all of their silly games!
When we headed back to the hotel for the night. The kids and I got settled in and Damian went to spend some time with Luques, Zaccai, and the rest of the guys. I feel so bad about the lack of time Damian spends with them(more about that in a post on my Makeup of Michelle blog-my more personal blog), and was happy He was able to get some quality time in.
Saturday morning was pretty calm as eveyone had things to do in preparation fpr the wwdding that evening. Since Myles and Damian weren't due at the wedding venue until closer to 330p, the kids had some time to enjoy the pool with Mama and Popup, have a nice breakfast, I got in some time at the fitness center, and Damian slept and did some running around for his brother. The whole family sort of did their own thing until the 4 of us met up to head to Lippincott Manor for the wedding.
On Friday, Madison also got to see her favorite "Robot Man" aka Christian Scott after about 7 years. I think the last time she saw him was at my wedding. She remembered him as robot man, but didn't recognize him at first haha. And I got to meet his lovely wife..such a blessed couple! On Saturday, I actually got to see several people that i had not seen in what seemed like forever. Rey and Mia, Richie, Brandee just to name a few. As I am typing this, I realize that I failed to go up to Brandee to say hello, she probably wouldn't have remembered me if I had, but I need to get better at that! I also realized that I didn't even get picture with the happy couple..... I let that whole social nerves thing get the best of me and stay in my little corner as to not get in the way of anyone or anything :)
Karina coming down the aisle with her mother and father-- Isn't she the most beautiful bride!! |
I love how happy the 3 of them look!! |
Getting ready to be handed over to her groom |
One of my favorite pictures-- I love this exchange between Luques and Karina's father |
Standing together -- looking so in love!!
Karina placing the ring on Luques' finger

Luques placing the ring on Karina's finger
They had just placed their vows in the soil of this birch tree |
Adding more soil to cover the birch tree |
Sealing with a kiss---- HUSBAND & WIFE |
Let me tell you, this wedding ceremony was BEAUTIFUL! The officiant spoke about the timeline of Luques and Karina's relationship- to include when they met and when Luques proposed in Hawaii, their kind words about each other, some of their hopes and dreams as a married couple, and the significance of a now VERY important birch tree in their lives. They recited their own written vows which brought tears to my eyes. The look on Luques' eyes as Karina walked down the aisle to him was pure happiness... Witnessing 2 people that in love is truly magical. .and they captured all of that magic in 1 nights time.
How awesome is this engraved wine bottle-- I love it!! |
This was so heartwarming-- an area to represent all of the loved ones who passed away |
Madison and Uncle Luques |
Madison and Davian-- not exactly sure what's going on with Madison's pose-- this picture was taken by Myles |
Abby and Cathy getting the cake all set up! |
PopUp helping Myles with his suit |
Uncle Chuck and Paula -- taken by Myles |
The reception was just as amazing! The whole setup represented two of them perfectly. The attention to detail, flowers, purity, rustic beauty encompassed their hearts to a T! They even had live salsa music, and lanterns that we were able to wish upon and send into the sky to set those wishes to actions. And Zaccai even forced get up from my spot for the evening and dance some Merengue with Damian. Well, im.not sure if i was really doing much, but I am now determined to take some dancing lessons...well, mainly Salsa. I mean, I have been a part of this family for 7 years, and still can't do the Salsa!!
Here are some pics taken by Myles during the reception:
The best man's speech-- Zaccai's speech was phenomenal-- I know Ted got it on tape.. it is definitely a speech that I could listen to over and over!! |
Madison and the BEAUTIFUL Dej |
Don't ask, Myles told me to smile.. I think that it might be Karina's uncle behind me, but I am not 100% sure |
Ralph Peterson |
The "crew"-- Zaccai, Igmar, and Christian-- I think they were going for the hardcore gangsta look haha |
Sparklers!! |
Their first dance |
Unfortunately Damian and I left with the kids after sending 2 lanterns into the sky..and once again that guilt of having to leave set in. I knew that most of the overnight guests were meeting up at the hotel to spend some more time with the bride & goom...and once again, Damian was going to miss out on some good times with his family and friends. I didn't say anything, but I rode home in silence with it in the back of my mind.
We had such a great time and are so honored that Luques & Karina chose to have Myles as their ring bearer! That is a moment that I don't think Myles will ever forget. .He takes his jobs VERY seriously haha. I am so happy for my brother and sister as they enter this new journey in life together!! They hopefully know, by the outpouring of love onto them, that they have so much support so many friends and family!! And I hope they have a fantastic honeymoon . I plan on reaching out to Karina they return home and get settled in again to plan a time when we can get together just to hang!! We always say we are going to, but we never do! I'm determined to change that... I mean come on, we are family!! Plus that is all part of the "being a better me" process I am working on. I can't be a a thirty something woman who stays in the house forever can I?
Well, I'm pretty comfident that this was one of the best weekends I have had! I hope you all can say the same about yours!
WOW! What a beautiful theme! She looked so beautiful and I love her dress and the lanterns and all the other cute add ons! Seeing weddings turn out nice like this make me want one! She looked beautiful and Madison is HUGE! I can't even deal with her. So happy For Karina and Luques~