Monday, September 22, 2014

Weelend in Review - Friday Sept 19-Sept 21, 2014

Lots of pictures from this weekend... well mainly from Friday night, but lots of pictures either way.

Friday September 19, 2014

Damian was home for the majority of the day today.  He worked on getting the window on the van fixed--that was long overdue-- and he spent some time with the little ones when Myles got out of school.  Madison has dance of Fridays this year, so our schedules are a little off.  I just wrote in my last post how we are limiting the amount of Friday night sleepovers with Mama and PopUp, but this particular Friday, Damian gave the go ahead and  the kids ended up over there after some quality time with Daddy.

HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO PRINCESS CHARLIZE!!  It was an honor to Charlize's 3rd birthday with her.  I will remember the day she was born on September 9, 2011, like it was yesterday.  I was blessed enough to be able to share that moment with both Jermaine and Brooke as Charlize entered the world and I can never thank them enough for letting me share such a personal moment with them.  This little girl is so special and has an amazing group of people that love and care about her.. and I am right there with them

After dropping Madison off at dance I headed over to Brooke's house so I could sing Happy Birthday to Charlize and give her her present.... Well-- that was a fail!! I definitely left Charlize's gift at my house and still have it.  I swear I will get it to her.  UUUGGGHHH-- things like that make me feel so bad!!

Enough of my failure, let's get to the exciting stuff!!  It was so nice to see Brooke, Brooklynn, Charlize, and Jermaine.  Brooke and I don't get together nearly as much as we would, through no fault of Brooke, that's all me.  So when the opportunity arises, it is always a good time.  I love both Brooklynn and Charlize as I do my own children and it is always so great to spend some time with them.  Brooke had originally wanted to have a little party, but life sort of got in the way, so she cancelled it.  When I got wind of this, I asked her of she was planning on being around on Friday, because since it was already in my planner to go over there, I still really wanted to. I guess a couple of other friends sort of felt the same way, so when I got there, Bethany(Charlize's Godmother) was there as well. And then shortly after Allison came with Kyree and Silas.  I also only see Bethany and Allison just a couple of times a year, and we always have a good time catching up with each other and each of our crazy, busy lives. 

I had to leave early to get Madison but came back right after for some cake and ice cream...  All Frozen themed of course.  Nothing else would have been good enough for Miss Charlize Zuri!!  Anthon (Charlize's Godfather) also came bearing gifts for the belated birthday girl.  Even Jermain's cousin Craig stopped by and was lucky enough to be able to share in some cake and ice cream as well.  Chachi (as Charlize is better know by many) was in her own little "Frozen" heaven. It was so cute as she opened her gifts and got excited about items and wanted to play with them right away.  She donned her Princess Anna apparel almost immediately and the only way to get her to go to sleep with out her princess dress was to promise her that she could keep it next to her while she slept. :)  Kids are great!!

"Yay Daddy.. thank you so much for my new favorite outfit"

"Mommy, don't hate that you don't have a cool wand like me!!"


Being crowned a princess

"Yes Peasant-- you MAY take my picture"

Admiring herself in the mirror

Silas trying to steal the Cran Apple Juice

Beautiful Birthday Girl

Opening my gift from My Godfather Anthon

Look at what I got!!


"Everyone is singing Happy Birthday to me!!"

Blowing out my candles

Silas trying to eat his cake in piece

Mommy was clearly playing with my dollhouse and dolls!!

Brooke was kind enough to let Madison spend the night with Brooklynn and it seems like they had a good time. Unfortunately, I had to pick Madison up fairly early, but we have a sleepover planned with Brooklynn for a couple of weeks from now, so hopefully they will have more time to spend together then.

Most everyone knows that I do not have many friends.  While I had met both Bethany and Allison through Brooke and gotten to know them more and more, I really do consider them friends.  They are great people and I have loved that we have shared experiences together.  Everyone deserves friends like the two of these women are to Brooke. I am not around quite as much as they are and know that Brooke is extremely lucky to have these two women who care about her and her children so dearly in her life!! 

Saturday September 20, 2014

As usual, since it seems to be a regular thing in my life now, I met up with Jen to go for a run! We spent most of the time walking and catching up since we both had bad weeks in regards to getting  run in.  :)

My original plan for Saturday morning was to go to the NorthWest Country Fair with the kids, take Madison to a birthday party, and go see Damian play at the Library.   And as always-- everything go switched up.  I was running way later than I had planned, never got to the Fair, and by the time I went to go get the kids to bring them to see Damian play, they were already at his gig waiting for it to start with PopUp-- I am not sure if Mama was there, I didn't even think to ask. 

So I went and dropped Madison off at her friends house and by the time I would have gotten to Damian's gig, it would have been almost over anyway, so I went and spent some time with Jaida, my mom, and dad.  this is also becoming the new weekend ritual.  We had a small little photo shoot while I was there since she actually liked me for a little while:

Ummmmm..Anutie Michelle-- I am sort of done taking pictures now

Trying some salmon tempura or something like that... Did you know that Sushi was raw fish???  OH LORD!!

Damian said he had a good time at his gig and he was extremely happy that 2 out of our 3 kids were able to make it to see him.  He even posted about it on Facebook-- he doesn't write many personal things on FB, so it may have been a little dig at me since I was there, but nonetheless he enjoyed having that moment with the little ones, so I will take it :)  Myles ended up going to New Haven with Mama for a graduation party for Damian's cousin Carissa and Mayci hung out at the park with PopUp. Damian headed out to New York for a WuTang concert with Joe and HellRazah while Madison ended her evening with her friend Naijah.  The little ones came home tired and ready to call it a night. 

Sunday September 21, 2014

Sunday was a laid back low key day for the family.  Damian had a rehearsal, Myles went to church with Mama and then came home with Daddy.  Mayci spent time with Grandma Virginia, Grandpa Wayne and Jaida, while Madison was still with Naijah.  I ran in the Union Street Tavern Trot with Jen -- a 3.5 mile run that didn't go as well as Jen and I had hoped, but all in all was still a good time.  I picked up the girls after the run, headed home and the whole family just lounged and hung out.  I took a nap and Madison cooked dinner.  Like, she really cooked dinner.  Chicken and then she did corn and green beans.  The vegetables were delicious and since I no longer eat meat, I didn't try her chicken but it smelled great and everyone ate it and said it was good!!

I hope everyone had a fun filled weekend!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

September 5- September 14-- Two weeks in review

Oh how I wish that I had something exciting to post.. NOPE--- not even one little thing.  And I also don't think I have a single picture from this entire 10 day time period..but I will search through my phone :)

Myles and Mayci have been battling with some weird cough thing and Madison is being her typical full of attitude pre-tween self.  So we did a whole lot of nothing over the weekend...but with the first 2 weeks of school being behind them, I think Myles and Madison were both pretty tired, so they didn't even complain much as we sat around the house and lounged.

Damian and I have also decided to lessen the Friday night sleepovers at Mama and PopUps.  Because we are trying to regain structure in our home and really buckle down on the simple things like bed times and such, we figured that on Fridays they can stay home with us(or me when Damian has a gig) and we can enforce more of that structure and those bedtimes.  And that is not to say that they don't have structure with Mama and PopUp, but let's be realistic-- Grandparents rules and parents rules vary quite a bit... and we have noticed that sometimes the kids seem to forget which house they are at, or what the rules are. 

On Saturday, I was really struggling with the kids... or should I say that the kids were really struggling with one another.  There was just fight after fight and it was really starting to wear me out.  I made everyone spend some time in their rooms, thinking about their behavior(which really meant them yelling through the doors all the reasons why they didn't deserve to be there) and cleaning up.  Later that evening, we headed out to a high school in Middletown to meet up with some co-workers of mine, Katia and Michele.  They each have a child so my kids and their played nicely together while Katia, Michele, and I ran and did some "training" for the Fitathlon that we are scheduled to do on October 4th.  BEWARE for 3 HORRIBLE far away pics-- I already told you I had nothing haha!

Sunday was also a pretty blah day.  Myles woke up early with Damian and hung out with him all day at Damian's gigs... Madison, Mayci, and I  just hung out at home for the earlier part of the day and lounged around.  We did go and visit Jaida, Grandma Virginia and Grandpa Wayne for just a little bit. Unfortunately Amanda had to work, so we missed her.  Ted called and said that he had wanted to go and see Damian play and asked if he could take the girls with him.  Madison wanted to run a few errands with me, so I dropped Mayci off to Ted and Abby and Madison and I ran to a few stores to get some necessities and go out for a quick lunch. 

Damian, Myles, and Mayci returned home later that night just in time to shower and get ready for the upcoming week.


School, work, and slowly getting into routines pretty much filled this week.

Madison had some competition practices for dance this week, but the actual dance year doesn't start for her until Monday the 15th.  She still seems to be enjoying school and is making new friends daily.

Myles is slowly adjusting to Kindergarten.  He seems to be having the hardest time with the fact that he does not spend as much time with Damian anymore.  He has had several meltdowns because "Daddy is working too much and needs to start saying no to his gigs so he can be home with me and cuddle and play"  I spent a lot of time this week explaining to him that Daddy loves him and misses him too, but has to work so that we can keep our house and be able to get him the Legos that he loves to play with. Myles' response, "Well then I don't want the house anymore, then can he stop working so much?"  Oh how I wish it was that simple.  basketball will be starting soon, and I am hoping that Myles will still want to play because then it will give him something to look forward to, I hope.  We have Open House at his school on the 18th so I am also hoping to meet some of his classmates parents so that I can maybe begin to arrange some play dates.  Myles just needs some distractions and to start spending time with other kids his age outside of the school environment.  I feel this will be so beneficial to him.

Mayci, well she is just Mayci.  She is her same old spit fire self. Miss Sunshine has adapted well to not having her big brother around her ALL DAY long and I think she is rather enjoying her alone time with Daddy and Mama.  She isn't really napping as much anymore and has done EXTREMELY well with going to the potty.  We do still have some middle of the night accidents(which I am not used to because the other 2 rarely had accidents), but I would still consider her fully potty trained.  Yes, she also has accidents during the day, but they are few and far between.  We are having some trouble with doing #2 in the toilet, but we just keep encouraging!!

Damian has been incredibly busy with gigs and rehearsals.  We have only been seeing each other in passing. He is coming to bed just a few hours before I am getting up to start my day... but that's okay-- eventually OUR TIME will come and I will continue to try hard to be patient :)


This Friday was a happy Friday for the kids. All 3 stayed at Mama and PopUp's house.  Damian had a gig and I had plans with some co-workers.  I had taken Friday off due to having some overtime, but didn't end up getting anything on my TO DO LIST done.  I did however clean up a little and rest ALOT.  I even took a nap before the kids came home from school.  I had gotten up and met Jen for a run around 7a and when I returned home Damian had been getting ready for work and decided to take Mayci with him.  So I really had a day to myself for the most part. 

Saturday morning Jen and I met yet again at 6:30a for a run.  We are getting pretty consistent with our runs!! Myles hadn't been feeling great when they went to Mama's house on Friday so I went to check on him fairly early.  By the time I had gotten there, they had already made plans to go for a nature walk and hang out, so I left them to it.  I ran to a few stores and then headed home.  The kids ended up hanging out there ALL day and I think they even got see Albert, Zaccai(both of which were in the area because they had a gig later that evening according to Facebook), Titi Tata, Dalila, and Uncle Jorge while they were there. 

Damian was one again-- BUSY BUSY BUSY!! And when he was home, he was holed up in the studio working.  By mid day on Saturday I started feeling pretty lousy, so I spent some time with some tea trying to rest.

Sunday, I was still feeling lousy so I cancelled my morning run and was hoping to sleep in. Damian had to leave fairly early for a gig and once the kids were wide awake they stated asking if we could go to a few stores.  Since we were in need of a new DVD holder for the playroom, I figured that we might as well get out of the house and maybe that would keep my mind off of how "blah" I was feeling.  So the kids were getting themselves together while I stopped argument after argument between them.  We have been having a little issue with some mice in our basement, but Damian told me that we got one in the trap on Friday so I was having pretty positive feelings that the mouse issue may have been behind house. 

Well---- maybe I was too optimistic too fast!!  I won't go into a ton of details, but lets just say we had a little visitor on the main floor of our house and since Damian was out, there was a lot of jumping, screaming, panicking, and there may have even been some tears(they weren't mine, I promise)  Thank goodness for the other man of the house, Myles, because he was brave enough to trap the mouse under a container for us scaredy cat girls!!  I immediately called Ted, who was so nice and rode his bike over to the house to help remove it.  One of the lovely perks of living so close to Damian's parents!!!!  The kids and I ran some errands and visited with Jaida and Amanda after all of our excitement.....

With dance picking up for Madison and Mayci and basketball starting for Myles.. I am pretty sure that  will start to have more interesting posts and maybe even some pictures.
I also plan to start getting back in to my MakeUp of Michelle blog as well sine I have been working out and eating better lately and I am hoping to use that blog to help me track my progress and keep me motivated,  Please feel free to check that blog out at MakeUp of Michelle.  I promise there will be some new posts on there by the weekend!!

I hope that everyone has been having a great September and is transitioning easily into the Fall Season!!!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Luques & Karina wedding August 30, 2014


So the special weekend finally arrived!! Time to celebrate Luques and Karina as they exchanged vows and came together as one!
Friday was quite the busy day.  Madison and Myles headed off to school like normal, and I popped into work for a little while to take care of some loose ends before the long holiday weekend. Damian had errands to run after Myles got on the school bus.  Damian and I had discussed early on that it may be best to keep Mayci home while we attended the wedding. Some people were not so keen to the idea, but we figured the less distractions the better, so Lisa was kind enough to volunteer to keep mayci while we were gone.  She came early in the day so her and Mayci could enjoy some time at the Science Center.  
Here is a pic of Mayci that Lisa sent me... I have more form the science center, but I think they are on FB page :)
We picked the kids up around lunchtime and then hit the road to Walkill, New York. .well really Middletown NY since that's where the hotel we were staying at was. Upon checking in, we were given a bag that had some special treats and bags for Madison and Myles and even a bag with special treats and nail polish for myself-- how thoughtful!!  We met up with immediate family, friends that were in the bridal party, and the bride and groom.  We headed off to Lippincott Manor so those who were part of the wedding could do a couple of walk throughs for the ceremony.   Madison and Davian (Justine's 12 year old son) caught up and hung out while the little ones rehearsed.  So weird, how the two of them rarely see each other but they catch up and have the best time together! They seem to click and I definitely hope to get them together more often...everyone needs a small group of close family and friends, no matter how far away they are! Myles fit right in with Dej, Justine's daughter, and Anaya, Karina's niece.   This ring bearer and the flower girls played and played until it was time to rehearse and then they would play and play some more! Myles has even asked for them several times since we have left. . And I have heard from Justine,  that miss Dej may have said a thing or two about Myles. Heehee!
My all time FAVORITE picture of Madison and Davian-- I can only imagine what they were talking about-- they seemed to have a blast together

This would be the board that you would see as soon as you were entering the venue

Dej, Myles, and Alana

Madison keeping herself busy doing flips

This is pretty much what the 3 of them did ALL weekend

Myles and Madison occupying themselves on our way to NY-- this only lasted for about 10 minutes.. then they either fought or slept

Our goody bags :)

We all headed to dinner at a nice restaurant called Cosimos and were treated to dinner.  Everyone caught up, laughed, joked around, and all around seemed to have a good time with some great food!  I didnt do much socializing as I actually spent my time talking with Myles,  Madison,  and Davian..but it seemed like everyone was enjoying their time together.   We were even surprised by John (Ted's brother in law) and his grandson Niko! My how Niko has grown since we saw him last, which had unfortunately been a couple years ago when his grandmother (Ted's sister) had passed away.  But he sat down and caught right up with the kids playing all of their silly games!
When we headed back to the hotel for the night.  The kids and I got settled in and Damian went to spend some time with Luques, Zaccai,  and the rest of the guys.  I feel so bad about the lack of time Damian spends with them(more about that in a post on my Makeup of Michelle blog-my more personal blog), and was happy He was able to get some quality time in.
Saturday morning was pretty calm as eveyone had things to do in preparation fpr the wwdding that evening.  Since Myles and Damian weren't due at the wedding venue until closer to 330p, the kids had some time to enjoy the pool with Mama and Popup, have a nice breakfast, I got in some time at the fitness center, and Damian slept and did some running around for his brother.  The whole family sort of did their own thing until the 4 of us met up to head to Lippincott Manor for the wedding.
On Friday, Madison also got to see her favorite "Robot Man" aka Christian Scott after about 7 years.   I think the last time she saw him was at my wedding.   She remembered him as robot man, but didn't recognize him at first haha.  And I got to meet his lovely wife..such a blessed couple! On Saturday, I actually got to see several people that i had not seen in what seemed like forever.  Rey and Mia, Richie, Brandee just to name a few. As I am typing this,  I realize that I failed to go up to Brandee to say hello, she probably wouldn't have remembered me if I had, but I need to get better at that!  I also realized that I didn't even get  picture with the happy couple..... I let that whole social nerves thing get the best of me and stay in my little corner as to not get in the way of anyone or anything :)

Karina coming down the aisle with her mother and father--  Isn't she the most beautiful bride!!

I love how happy the 3 of them look!!

Getting ready to be handed over to her groom

One of my favorite pictures-- I love this exchange between Luques and Karina's father

Standing together -- looking so in love!!

Karina placing the ring on Luques' finger

Luques placing the ring on Karina's finger
They had just placed their vows in the soil of this birch tree

Adding more soil to cover the birch tree

Sealing with a kiss---- HUSBAND & WIFE

Let me tell you, this wedding ceremony was BEAUTIFUL! The officiant spoke about the timeline of Luques and Karina's relationship- to include when they met and when Luques proposed in Hawaii, their kind words about each other, some of their hopes and dreams as a married couple, and the significance of a now VERY important birch tree in their lives.  They recited their own written vows which brought tears to my eyes. The look on Luques' eyes as Karina walked down the aisle to him was pure happiness... Witnessing 2 people that in love is truly magical. .and they captured all of that magic in 1 nights time. 

How awesome is this engraved wine bottle-- I love it!!

This was so heartwarming-- an area to represent all of the loved ones who passed away

Madison and Uncle Luques

Madison and Davian-- not exactly sure what's going on with Madison's pose-- this picture was taken by Myles

Abby and Cathy getting the cake all set up!

PopUp helping Myles with his suit

Uncle Chuck and Paula -- taken by Myles


The reception was just as amazing!  The whole setup represented two of them perfectly. The attention to detail, flowers, purity, rustic beauty encompassed their hearts to a T!  They even had live salsa music, and lanterns that we were able to wish upon and send into the sky to set those wishes to actions. And Zaccai even forced get up from my spot for the evening and dance some Merengue with Damian.  Well, im.not sure if i was really doing much, but I am now determined to take some dancing lessons...well, mainly Salsa.  I mean, I have been a part of this family for 7 years, and still can't do the Salsa!!
Here are some pics taken by Myles during the reception:
The best man's speech-- Zaccai's speech was phenomenal-- I know Ted got it on tape.. it is definitely a speech that I could listen to over and over!!

Madison and the BEAUTIFUL Dej

Don't ask, Myles told me to smile.. I think that it might be Karina's uncle behind me, but I am not 100% sure


Ralph Peterson
The "crew"-- Zaccai, Igmar, and Christian-- I think they were going for the hardcore gangsta look haha


Their first dance


Unfortunately Damian and I left with the kids after sending 2 lanterns into the sky..and once again that guilt of having to leave set in.  I knew that most of the overnight guests were meeting up at the hotel to spend some more time with the bride & goom...and once again, Damian was going to miss out on some good times with his family and friends.  I didn't say anything,  but I rode home in silence with it in the back of my mind.
We had such a great time and are so honored that Luques & Karina chose to have Myles as their ring bearer!  That is a moment that I don't think Myles will ever forget. .He takes his jobs VERY seriously haha.  I am so happy for my brother and sister as they enter this new journey in life together!!   They hopefully know, by the outpouring of love onto them, that they have so much support so many friends and family!!  And I hope they have a fantastic honeymoon .  I plan on reaching out to Karina  they return home and get settled in again to plan a time when we can get together just to hang!!  We always say we are going to, but we never do!  I'm determined to change that... I mean come on, we are family!! Plus that is all part of the "being a better me" process I am working on.  I can't be a a thirty something woman who stays in the house forever can I?
Well, I'm pretty comfident that this was one of the best weekends I have had! I hope you all can say the same about yours!