Thanks to those who served our country, those who gave their time and lives for us, and those who are currently serving, we were able to enjoy a 3 day weekend. Oh how I love 3 day weekends. there is just something exciting about leaving work on a Friday and knowing you have an extra day to do whatever you please!! But for any of you that didn't have a 3 day weekend or you have to work on the weekend... I am sorry and I definitely feel your pain because I have been there also. Damian also works on the weekend and sadly, because of work, he was unable to be apart of some of our fun events from this weekend.
May 24, 2014
Friday was another one of my special evenings with Miss Madison. She, yet again, chose to stay home with me for the night while the little ones stayed at Mama and Popup's house. We didn't do much...just ran out to the store to grab a few things that we need for Amanda's ( my little sister) Baby Shower which Lisa (my older sister) and I are hosting this upcoming Saturday. We also stopped by Menchie's... Windsor's little frozen yogurt joint, that Madison and I have been frequenting quite a bit lately. I honestly think that this is why she chooses to stay with me some Friday's... because she can almost always talk me into stopping there.. Hey, what can I say-- I am sucker for giving in to my own sweet tooth!!!
Saturday May 24, 2014
Madison had her usual dance and Myles FINALLY got his hair cut!! I mean.. he hadn't gotten it cut since a week before Christmas. And yes, he chose to have his little mohawk style again. I just can't take how big he is getting..and after he gets his hair cut, he looks like such a "little man."
The little ones hung out with Daddy around the house while I went and did more baby shower shopping with my mom and Lisa.
Madison spent the day with Zaccai and Luques at Mama's house and the Polish National Home rehearsing for a dance she was planning to do for one of the songs they would be playing with Johnny "Little Johnny" Rivero that night. Damian had his own gig in Stamford, so he wasn't able to join us but I know that he has heard from alot of people how "interesting" his kids are and what a great show Johnny put on with his band!! This was quite the fun evening and worth its own post, so that will be coming!
Sunday May 25, 2014
We didn't really have anything planned for today. Since we had such a late night on Saturday, we didn't make it to church today. Truth be told, I don't MAKE my kids so to church, so I am not sure if they would have attended anyway, but since I was extremely tired, I woke up much later than I had planned and trying to make it to church on time wouldn't have happened for me. I am hoping to redecorate the house this summer and have been looking for some inexpensive pieces that I can do some DIY projects with so Madison, Mayci and I took a trip to Christmas Tree Shops. It's been almost a year since I had step foot in that store-- Oh how I love it!!
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These two are so close!! I love it. Check out Myles' tie! |
Nicole ended up texting me while I was out to see what the kids and I had planned for the day, and because our schedule was open, Nicole, Gianna, and Bella actually met us at the store. Well, that was an adventure in and of itself. 2 childish and giddy moms with 4 extremely "free" spirited children caused quite the ruckus in the store. Didn't really find much of what I was looking for and still managed to spend WAY over what I had planned, but a good time it was indeed. We also stopped by 5 below, for me to spend even more money on things I didn't need before heading home. At home we just unleashed the kids into the backyard to be attacked by the mosquitoes that seem to be guarding yard. I didn't get many, if any pics of the kids...but here is one of Nicole and I-- clearly thinking we are still cute and back in high school...just don't mind that extra little pooch hanging out near my stomach-- must be the lighting in the kitchen haha-- I swear I had sucked that in before taking the picture!! The kids played, fought, got hurt(don't worry--nothing that warranted any emergent care), were loud, got on our nerves, and had a GREAT time. Nicole and I spent the day catching up on each other's lives, as I do with most of my friends since I see them so few and far between. For the past 6 years or so we have drifted in and out of each other's lives for various reasons, here's to hoping that this time our re-connection is permanent. I think we have managed to overcome the things that caused us to separate and in that we have grown up and learned just how importance acceptance for our mistakes, honesty, and forgiveness truly are!
Sometimes, regardless of the circumstances and the events in your lives that have separated you, their is a bond that lies deep within that pulls you back together.... I think that bond is present in Nicole and I . She will always be an important part of my life and I do love her dearly. She will always be "Big Stride Nikki" to me-- (inside joke--hopefully she is reading this and remembers)
Nic and her crew left fairly early and the kids and I just lounged around until we fella sleep. Damian spent most of the day searching for the perfect pair of running shoes for himself and his evening was spent in the studio working on one of his many projects
Monday May 26, 2014
Happy Memorial Day! I posted a quick Happy Memorial Day status on Facebook regarding Memorial Day and unfortunately received some negative feedback in my Facebook inbox. It actually caught me off guard, while I knew it may have been seen as controversial. Amazing how some people can have their opinion about things, but once you voice an opposing opinion, it turns into something personal. Sad, sad, sad!
We watched the parade and the kids waved their flags, Myles complained that he was bored until the first marching band came by, and Mayci didn't like how loud things were and that no one threw her any candy. When I asked if they had a good time.. they all responded that they I'll take it!!
Here is Mayci's "mad" face when she was yelling about not getting any candy |
Seeing how perfect they are in line sometimes makes me miss the road marches and cadence from the Army! |
The rest of the day was spent around the house playing, catching up on TV shows(or in my case-my YouTube subscription videos), and taking naps. No barbecues for us this year..we ended up at Friendly's for dinner and then home for the night!!
Looking forward to the upcoming week-- Brooke's graduation and Amanda's baby shower!! CAN'T WAIT!!
I hope you all had a GREAT weekend and were able to enjoy, hopefully, an extra day for your weekend!!
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