Saturday, June 21, 2014

First time Aunt-- June 17, 2014

I took some time off from this blog because some things at home and in my personal relationships were pre-occupying some of my time.

Now I am back in business... but I am so behind that I just posted Amanda's baby shower blog and right after I am posting this one because she's has JUST given birth to her beautiful baby girl.

OH MY WORD!!  My little Amanda is a mommy!!

On June 17, 2014 at 3:22am, Amanda gave birth to Miss Jaida Sarai Nascimento.  She weighed 6lbs 1 oz and was 19 inches long-- COMPLETE PERFECTION!!

I get that she is my niece, so I may be a little partial, but she is absolutely BEAUTIFUL.  I love her round head, her small eyes, her incredibly squeezable cheeks!  I have lots of friends with kids, many of which I have known since they were newborns-- and boy do I love them dearly-- just as if they were my own!  BUT--  there was something different in my heart when I walked into that hospital room as saw my little sister holding her very own baby girl. 

I melted... I got teary eyed and fought to keep the tears back.  First of all, how is it even possible that my younger sister I sold enough to have a baby? Don't worry, I know how it happened, but I am still in minor shock, lol!  It made me remember the day that Amanda was born.  And then as she was growing up, we were pretty close.. I spent a lot of time with her, babysitting her, playing with her, carting her around with me as I did things with my friends.  When she was 9, I gave birth to Madison, and when I moved out, she used to always want to come over to my apartment and play with Madison.  She babysat as she got older and sometimes would even take Madison out with her on little day trips to the mall and things like that.  Her and I would spend days together, going shopping, eating out, just hanging together-----------And the she went through the phase where family just wasn't as important to her and she didn't really want to spend as much time with us.  It bothered me at times, but I understand.  I am sure I went through phases like that also.  She just continued to grow up-- got a job, a boyfriend, her own life-- and now here she is with her own "little family",  A little one to call her own.

How amazing it was to see my sister, who has always just been my little sister, with a new title-- a woman and a mommy.  She is now in charge of someone else's well being as well as her own. 
I have the utmost confidence in her that she will be a wonderful mother.  She has always been so good to my children and they aren't even hers. 

I hope Amanda understands how happy I am for both her and Will and their new bundle of PERFECT joy!  I hope they know that I am here for them every step of the way as much as I can be and I hope to be the kind of Aunt that both her and Lisa have been to my kids.

Isn't she the cutest thing ever?

Please Mayci, don't tip over the new baby!!

Madison admiring her new cousin--  don't be alarmed by the mask-- Madison was suffering from Strep Throat , and while cleared by Dr. Rifkin, we still wanted to be safe and keep the germs at a minimum.
Baby Jaida and PRO-Aunt Lisa

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Baby Shower Barbecue

Saturday May 31, 2014

The beautiful cake made by one of Amanda's friends, Noelle
My younger sister, Amanda, and her boyfriend Will are expecting their first baby on July 1st.  (I'm actually posting this on Saturday June 21, 2014 and Miss Jaida Sarai Nascimento decided to bless us with her prescence 2 weeks earlier than expected!!).  Lisa, my mom, and I wanted to throw her a nice shower to celebrate her soon to come bundle of joy, so we decided to host a baby shower for her.

Amanda is a very simple girl.  She didnt want anything super fancy, no games, no frills...just a simple barbecue with friends and family.  As the guest of honor- her wish was our command,  We went as simple as we could and just got some food, the grills, some snacks-- threw friends and family in the mix-- and there was her shower.

I'd like to think that everyone had a great day, but do know that Amanda and Will seemed to enjoy themselves, which was most important  Her friends sort of came and went in waves as they were leaving to go to work and coming after work, so we had a steady flow throughout the day.  Aunt Denise and Uncle Wilbert came from New York also to give their well wishes.
They got so many nice clothes and accessories for baby Jaida.  She is going to be one of the best dressed little girls I know!!

I am so excited to be an aunt and cannot wait to hold this baby in my arms!!!

Me and Amanda #selfie

Me and the guests of honor!!

Lisa and I before the shower getting the last minute things to combat the mosquitoes in the backyard

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Graduation Time -- Thursday May 29, 2014

Thursday May 29, 2014

Auntie Sonya and Charlize--  LOVE THIS PICTURE!!

Here is Auntie Lisamarie and Brooklynn after they got all excited right after Brooke was awarded her diploma


Today was a super bittersweet day for me.  After work, I got to spend the evening at Brooke's Graduation from Manchester Community College.  She graduated with her Associates Degree in Criminal Justice!!  I was and still am so proud of her, yet I would be lying if I say that I was a little sad also.  I should have been standing in that same line with those graduates, my kids should have been able to watch their mommy graduate alongside "Chachi" and "BK"---  BUT I wasn't.. and my kids didn't get to.  While it makes me sad, I do know that things happen for a reason.  I wasn't able to juggle all of the pressures of school, being a mom, being a wife, and working full time... a decision needed to be made, and school just wasn't at the top of my priority list... Will I ever go back??  I don't think so, but only time and God will tell!!  Brooke's ability to push through all obstacles makes me so proud of her!!

So so so PROUD of her!  I remember attending her high school graduating shortly after we truly be came friends.

What a beautiful day it was for a graduation.  The weather held out so that it was able to be outside and we were all welcome to attend.  Unfortunately Brooke's mom was out of town for her birthday, so she was unable to attend, which I know broke Brooke's heart...but even though her mom and dad weren't there, Brooke had quite the support group: Jermaine, Charlize, Brooklynn, Lisamarie, Jacob, Chin, Sonya, Bethany, Allison, Kyree, and myself all came to show our support for an extremely special woman.  She looked so pretty in her cap and gown, and you could see the happiness in her eyes as she enters into the next phase in her life.  I am not exactly sure of what her plans are now, but regardless.. what a great accomplishment.

And I know this wasn't always the easiest thing for her, with kids, being pregnant, being a single mom, working full time, having to struggle with day care....but she allowed NOTHING to hold her back...and has her diploma to show for that.. she better be proud of herself as well!!!!!