Madison reading during "quiet" time..okay, it wasn't a designated quiet time- I could never achieve that in this house,but it managed to stay semi quiet for a good 15 minutes. |
Been an interesting week and a half here in the Curtis household. We managed to survive an entire week practically "daddy free"......not a good thing though...It was only because dear Dad came down with some weird stomach bug/virus thing and I pretty much quarantined him to the room downstairs! But Abby and Ted (the in laws) were there to help. Abby helped out by taking the kids earlier in the day so that way Damian could rest..and use the bathroom in piece, since that is the other place in which he spent most of his time. The kids and I just kept ourselves busy upstairs making get well cards, reading, lounging, and of course...napping
Sunday Jan. 22, 2012
We decided to host a dinner for my parents and sisters at our house. What a success! Thank God for such an amazing family. They came mom, Lisa, and I enjoyed one another's company, while Amanda played with the kids, and my dad and Damian watched basketball. What a life. I felt like such an accomplished mom, wife, daughter, and homeowner. I am slowly learning to cook more and more and definitely working on my housekeeping skills. Uugghh....that sentence just made me feel like such a slob. No, but really...I tend to let the housework go until the last minute, but I am really getting better. I have some plans for this house, but refuse to even start into them until I get this place in some kind of order. I mean, we moved in at the end of August and I haven't even painted the bathroom or Myles room yet and the basement is no where near what I want it to be! But anyway....dinner with the family was so nice...since my dad's 55th birthday was the following Tuesday, I made him a small cake and we sang Happy Birthday and had him blow out his candles......I also decided to start a new tradition....I am going to make a photo book at the end of each year outlining the highlights of the previous year. We will host a small dinner for each set of parents separately, at which time we will give the photo book. I am well on my way to my FAMILY TRADITIONS!